Articles and industry insight from LiveSwitch — the leader in real-time video solutions.
With News of Shyft Ceasing Operations, LiveSwitch is Here to Limit Disruption to Your Moving Business
Like many others across the moving and relocation industry, we were surprised to learn today that Shyft has ceased operations. As reported by FEDEMAC, attempts to contact Shyft..

Seven Tips for Using Live Video in Property Management
Recently, I've been working with Property Managers who oversee both traditional, long-term rentals as well as vacation or short-term rentals. Many have shared that while the..
Why You Should Switch to Virtual Estimates | LiveSwitch
In my "side hustle" real estate business, I work with a lot of home service professionals who drive all over God's green earth to provide quotes and estimates for potential jobs...

3 Benefits of Using Live Video in Your Real Estate Business
Each year, I spend quite a bit of time looking at Airbnb and VRBO listings, searching for a suitable rental house for our family vacation. The information available on these sites..